λέγει που Ήράκλειτος ότι πάντα χωρει καί ούδέν μένει καί ποταμου ροηι απεικάζων τά όντα λέγει ώς δίς ές τόν αύτόν ποταμόν ούκ άν έμβαίης Eraclito dice in qualche luogo che tutto scorre via e che niente rimane immobile, e paragonando le cose alla corrente di un fiume afferma che non potresti entrare due volte nello stesso fiume. (Platone, Cratyl, 402a) |
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Se sottoponiamo alla considerazione del nostro pensiero la natura o la storia umana o la nostra specifica attività spirituale, ci si offre anzitutto il quadro di un infinito intreccio di nessi, di azioni reciproche, in cui nulla rimane quel che era, dove era e come era, ma tutto si muove, si cambia, nasce e muore. Questa visione primitiva, ingenua,
ma sostanzialmente giusta del mondo
è quella dell'antica filosofia greca
e fu espressa chiaramente
per la prima volta
da Eraclito: (Engels, Anti-Dühring) |
Stampa |
Rodolfo Badarello | |||||||||
Cronache politiche e movimento operaio nel savonese. 1850-1922 | |||||||||
Political Chronicles and the Labour Movement in the Savona Area. 1850-1922 | |||||||||
Il 1861 vedeva il primo impianto a Savona di uno stabilimento siderurgico. La fabbrica strappava alla campagna migliaia di contadini per farne salariati, spingeva all’aumento della popolazione urbana e costringeva all’ampliamento del perimetro della città. The first steelworks was built in Savona in 1861. The factories uprooted thousands of peasants from the countryside and made them wage earners, boosting the numbers of the urban population and extending the city boundaries. There arose the “social question”, as it was called at the time – the early workers’ resistance organisations were set up, followed by the first trade unions. In 1890, for the first time the creation of a city Chamber of Labour was planned. The plan was only accomplished ten years later because the labour movement, there as elsewhere, had to reckon with its recent formation, the petty bourgeois ideology of its past, and its own delays. In addition to this there were the difficult living and working conditions and the harsh reaction of the ruling classes. But a common consciousness gradually emerged to overcome the particularistic relationship between the individual workers and their bosses. A political position took its place beside trade union demands. This was the reality that the book investigates and describes, documenting it in the finest detail. | |||||||||
Vedi il sommario Contents | |||||||||
2008; 476 pagine, brossura 2008, paperback, 476 pp., list of sources, of workers’ societies and cooperatives, index of names | |||||||||
ISBN 978-88-86591-22-5 | |||||||||
€ 15,00 | |||||||||
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